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"An artist's duty is rather to stay open-minded and in a state where he can receive information and inspiration. You always have to be ready for that little artistic Epiphany" -Nick Cave
Drifting Night
So calm and so peaceful... I don't feel like doing anything the rest of my vacation. Who am I kidding I don't feel like doing anything after vacation lol
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David Lynch. Hi Pinterest. You thought you've figured all out. But here's the big news: you didn't. You just manged to suck to the ones you wanted to reach. Congratulations, this is a rea success.
Lighting Portraits with a Prism Gobo, DIY Barn Doors, and Window Blinds
Photographer Nick Fancher often does high-quality shoots with simple locations and do-it-yourself gear -- he published a book on the subject earlier this y
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