teaching - tips, ideas

58 Pins
Classroom Reward Coupons
Are you looking for free or low-cost rewards for your students? Here are 24 coupons you can use in your classroom. Some of the rewards include homework pass, eat lunch with the teacher and a friend, sit by a friend for the day, wear a hat in class, skip morning work pass, and many more!
Classroom Management Tip - Transition Songs for Lining Up
25 Chatty Class Classroom Management Strategies for Overly Talkative Students
Voice Level Chart that is animal themed and fun to keep classroom noise under control - click to read how she uses this!
Free Editable Reward Tags
Such a cute way to start the year in your classroom with brag tags. This freebie includes editable brag tags in 4 different styles to be used as a nametag for the first tag on your students' necklaces.
Teacher Tricks for Reading and Writing
Mini trash cans are perfect for sorting words by parts of speech… so many ideas for teaching reading and writing on this post
Sorting activity czyli kreatywne wykorzystanie klamerek do bielizny.
Sorting activity czyli kreatywne wykorzystanie klamerek do bielizny. – Witaj w kopalni pomysłów!
Bubble speak
moje pomysły jak ...: Bubble speak
развивающие игры для малышей своими руками: 14 тыс изображений найдено в Яндекс.Картинках
Stamps & Stickers Chart oraz systemy kontroli hałasu w klasie
W poście o pieczątkach i naklejkach obiecałam, że pokażę wam kartę. Oto karta, jakiej używam w klasie 2 i 3.