
23 Pins
1937 Crocker. Crocker introduced design innovations that set his V-twin ahead of the Harleys and Indians of the mid 30's and 40's. His beautifully engineered three speed transmission coupled with a unique proprietary engine of Crocker's own design laid shame to anything that dared cross its path. So confident was Crocker with his machine that he offered to refund the full price to any buyer who was beaten by a rider on a factory stock Harley or Indian bike.No refund was ever given.
Triumph motorcycles - brochure 1925
Triumph motorcycles - brochure 1925 by Fine Cars, via Flickr
Thruxton. I would quite literally drive a bus load of old people into the ocean for this bike. Sorry old people. If you want to live, pitch in to buy a sidecar. It only carries one of course, so you have a hard decision to make.