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Другое измерение: 20 идей для использования сантиметровой ленты в декоре: Идеи и вдохновение в журнале Ярмарки Мастеров
I cannot measure how much i need this.
Cosplay Resources
Anyone who has ever tried knows that corsets can be extremely difficult, especially if you have never made one before. This beautiful Quilted Gore Corset tutorial by Sidneyeileen shows step-by-step how it was done. She has tons of beautiful corsets and dresses in her gallery as well!
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Absinthe Corset, very Tim Burtonish...appropriate name, therefore, is it not? :) @Karen Spivey and @Beth George
Corset Flossing Tutorial by UnaleskaZohar on DeviantArt
Corset Flossing Tutorial by ~UnaleskaZohar on deviantART
High Victoriana
Victorian ventilated corset, courtesy of the Leicester County Council.