168 Pins
Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
'Hello' #atticuspoetry #atticus #poetry #poem #loveherwild #tangled
Addicted. In My Head is available now through Amazon and Barnes&Noble. #jmstorm #jmstormquotes #inmyhead
My Reflection?
night lights cast shadows: My Reflection?
We often take for granted the people around us that shine with positivity and seem to find the best in everything and everyone. The more I live, the more I realize how important these people are. They are gifts xx
Good morning texts are more than a half-heated means of communication. They are a sign that we are thought of. Cared for. Adored, by someone who may not be immediately present. They are a reminder - one we perhaps should not need but sometimes do - that we are.
No what ifs or hearts full of regrets here. Not everything is meant to last, but that means I will still give it a try anyways. I mean, who knows? Right?
~*~Deepika.Dk's....Pin Board trails... ~*~