
56 Pins
Bruce Wayne is sexy
I wouldn’t stand a chance if he was interrogating me. He would scare the sense out of me AND he is attractive as heck.
Christian Bale, stop making smoking look sexy. Damn your stupid handsome face.
Okay I may be old but I ain't blind Wow, perhaps i could just look at him for a little bit.
"I've had enough of these Christian Bale pins!"--said me never.
Christian Bale Courted for Ridley Scott’s Moses Epic EXODUS
christian bale
Christian Bale and Jared Leto -... by bsasserdaughtridge - #BeFunky
Christian Bale and Jared Leto - my 2 favorite actors and loves!!! :) Christian's like "Hey by the way, I'm sorry for killing you on American Psycho, it was an AXE-dent!" LOLOLOLOL Jared: Look in my eyes, you're killin' me, killin' me Christian: Okay, now you're just AXE-ing for it!... OKAY, I'm done now! :P
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I only accept Batman if he is Christian Bale. Sorry.
Christian Bale. Without doubt, one of the most handsome men on earth.