
Raising chickens is a great place to start when you're ready to expand your skills in self-sufficiency because they are small in size, inexpensive compared to other livestock, and who doesn't like delicious eggs? I believe in a pastured-approach so that the resulting eggs and meat are nutritionally-dense while allowing the chickens to live a full and happy life out foraging for bugs & fresh greens.
240 Pins
How to Grow Chicken Fodder (And Save Money!)
Did you know that you can easily grow chicken fodder in just 7 days? Heck yes! Chicken fodder is an amazing way to multiply your feed inexpensively, while also providing fresh greens for your chickens in the winter. No soil or fertilizer is even needed! #growfodder #fodder #growchickenfodder #fodderforchickens #howtogrowfodder #growingfodder #foddersetup
Swedish Flower Hen: Colorful and Hardy Chickens
Swedish Flower Hens bring color and hardiness to your flock. Learn about their care and benefits.
Hatching Chicken Eggs: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide
Hatching chicken eggs is such a fun and rewarding experience. However, it can also be stressful! There’s nothing more heartbreaking than waiting a full 21 days only to experience a failed hatch. Believe me, I’ve been there! #hatchingeggs #hatchingchickeneggs #hatchingfertileeggs #hatchingchicks #incubatingeggs #incubation #hatchchicks #howtoincubateeggs #howtohatcheggs
How Much Space Do Chickens REALLY Need?
Providing the right amount of coop space is absolutely essential to the health and well-being of your flock. Adequate space helps prevent issues like bullying, stress, and disease, but it’s also important to avoid too much space, as this can also lead to problems in the coop. #chickencoop #chickenspace #spaceforchickens #howmuchspaceforchickens #howmuchspacedochickensneed #spacechickensneed #coopdesign #sizeofcoop
Can Chickens Eat Grapes? Are They Safe?
Have you ever wondered “can chickens eat grapes?” They aren’t safe for dogs, but what about your flock? Chickens like most fruits and vegetables, but grapes may seem questionable at first glance. #canchickenseatgrapes #grapesforchickens #aregrapessafeforchickens #treatsforchickens #chickentreats #snacksforchickens #chickensnacks #whattofeedchickens
Can Chickens Eat Celery? Is Raw or Cooked Best?
If you have celery lying around that looks a little limp, you’re probably wondering “Can chickens eat celery?” You’re not alone! I get asked this question all the time. #canchickenseatcelery #celeryandchickens #chickenseatcelery #feedcelerytochickens #foodforchickens #whatdochickenseat
How to Grow Chicken Fodder (And Save Money!)
Did you know that you can easily grow chicken fodder in just 7 days? Heck yes! Chicken fodder is an amazing way to multiply your feed inexpensively, while also providing fresh greens for your chickens in the winter. No soil or fertilizer is even needed! #growfodder #fodder #growchickenfodder #fodderforchickens #howtogrowfodder #growingfodder #foddersetup
Can Chickens Eat Apples? What About the Seeds?
If you have some extra apples (or leftover cores!) lying around, you’re probably wondering “Can chickens eat apples?” You’re not alone! I get asked this question all the time. #chickensapples #chickenseatapples #chickensandapples #canchickenseatapples #feedapplestochickens
Why are my chickens pecking each other?
Stop chickens from pecking each other! Why do they star pecking and picking at each other and how do I make them stop before one of them gets hurt? Here are 6 different reasons why chickens peck or pick at each other and how to stop them.
How Cold Is Too Cold For My Chickens? - The Happy Chicken Coop
How do we prepare ourselves and our flocks for the long winter months. First we will look at how cold is too cold for my chickens.
Top 6 Grey Chicken Breeds (with Pictures)
There are many chicken breeds in the world that come in a variety of colors and sizes. Chickens with grey ... Read more
Understanding Why Roosters Crow
Roosters crow for several reasons, not just to annoy you! Learn the science behind their crowing and how it affects the flock. Insights into rooster behavior you didn’t know!