
883 Pins
Vegan Sausage Recipe: Delicious Plant-Based Alternative
Struggling to find a satisfying Vegan Sausage Recipe? Our straightforward guide offers a delicious plant-based alternative that's easy to make at home. Learn how simple ingredients can transform into savory vegan sausages with just a few steps. Visit our site for the full recipe and enjoy a tasty, cruelty-free meal. Save the pin for later to keep this handy recipe in your collection!
Vegan frittata with Chickpea Flour
Vegan frittata is an easy and delicious recipe you can make in 10 minutes on a pan or 18 minutes in the oven for a delightful breakfast, brunch, or as a light and nutritious meal.Our recipe is without eggs and tofu. We use chickpea flour to make the batter. Once cooked, it is surprisingly similar to a classic frittata with eggs.
Ewa Wachowicz sprawia, że cukinia jest lepsza niż mięso. Ma na to wyjątkowy przepis
Proste placki z cukinii Ewy Wachowicz
Delicious Vegan Eggplant Bacon Recipe - Daring Kitchen
Maybe one of the best vegan hacks in history- this eggplant bacon recipe totally changes the plant based game. Thin slices of eggplant turn into crispy pieces of goodness that are great by themselves, on salads, sandwiches…the list goes on!
How to Make Vegan Butter (Plant-Based Butter Alternative) - The Loopy Whisk
How to Make Vegan Butter (Dairy Free Butter Alternative) - [SPONSORED] If you want to learn how to make homemade vegan butter – look no further. This vegan spread recipe couldn’t be easier, and it includes several incredibly useful tips for making extra creamy dairy free butter that’s soft and spreadable straight out of the fridge. Vegan recipes. Plant based recipes. How to make butter. Vegan margarine. Vegan frosting. #vegan #recipes
This may contain: a man in an apron is making a mess with his hands and eating rice salad
Mediterranean Rice Salad
Growing up in an Italian family, I had my share of rice salad recipes, especially during summer, as this dish is delicious when served cold, and it’s pleasantly refreshing during the hot summer months. Think of rice salad as a pasta salad, except that you swap rice for pasta. You can have it as a main dish for lunch or dinner or serve it as a colorful side dish. You can bring it to the beach, to potlucks, and to picnics.
This may contain: an eggplant patties recipe is shown in two different photos with the title text overlay
Easy Lentil Patties
Lentil patties—or lentil fritters—are a tasty and fulfilling meat-free, egg-free, vegetarian, and vegan recipe. They are seasoned with fresh herbs, spices, and vegetables, are flavorful, and rich in minerals, plant protein, and gut-healthy fiber. Also, lentil fritters are easy to make in a food processor and cook fast in a skillet, oven, or air fryer.
Focaccine filanti di patate e broccoli
🕐Tempo di preparazione: 30 minuti 🕐Tempo di cottura: 10 minuti 😊Difficoltà: Facile 🍽Dosi: Per 8-10 focaccine 🤑Costo: Basso Ingredienti: Patate, 400 g; Broccoli, 150 g; Fecola di patate, 150 g; Edamer, 80 g circa; Olio, 2 cucchiai per l’impasto + q.b. Sale, q.b. ; Pepe, q.b. Consigli: Puoi sostituire l’Edamer con un altro tipo di formaggio filante come la scamorza. Puoi utilizzare l’amido di mais al posto della fecola di patate.