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Bei Bei Panda ‏@houseofcubs 27Sep2015 Giving a shout out to our Big Bro Tai Shan (aka Butterstick). He was & is very popular!! Great photo of him w/Mom.
North Cascades Grizzly Bears | Conservation Northwest
North Cascades Grizzly Bears | Conservation Northwest
Momma bear teaching baby bear how to bear
Momma bear teaching baby bear how to bear - Imgur
For The Little Ones
Almost every day, Terry comes home with a wild story about what happened on the school bus. ~~ Houston Foodlovers
Look Mum, it's been snowing... The first steps of the polar cubs
It's a sight to warm even the coldest of hearts. On wobbly young legs, they emerge blinking into the early spring sunlight, amazed at a world where everything is a new adventure.
Cub waves for the camera as it emerges from den in Canada
Hello there! This adorable photo shows a polar bear cub waving at the camera as it emerges from its snowy den in Wapusk National Park in Manitoba, Canada
Beautiful wildlife
This is Where Polar Bears are Supposed to Live NOT in zoos.