
Кирилл Губернаторов: «Архитектор – профессия мультидисциплинарная
Кирилл Губернаторов: «Архитектор – профессия мультидисциплинарная»
Normand Park (Fulham, UK) : A community vision « Kinnear Landscape Architects
Normand Park (Fulham, UK) : A community vision « Kinnear Landscape Architects
creative playthings catalog
MONDOBLOGO: creative playthings catalog
Robert Winston Play Sculpture 1961
Robert Winston Play Sculpture 1961 by sandiv999, via Flickr
Peace Pavilion by AZC inflatable structure, bethnal green museum gardens in london, new materials, twisty shape
scavengedluxury: “Climbing wall by William George Mitchell. Hockley Flyover, Birmingham, 1960s. ”
15 Amazing Playgrounds From All Over The World
Love how play areas become part of the fabric of cities. They provide an identity all of their own, yet are so often an afterthought. We love when they are given real consideration.
beringen-postindustrial-landscape-playground-18-benoit-meeus « Landscape Architecture Works | Landezine