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399 Pins
Winter Friends Finger Puppets - Etsy
Waiting in long holiday shopping lines won't seem so bad with these finger puppets to serve as a distraction #parenting
twenty minute crafter {finger puppet nativity} (updated!)
At long last...all done! And with plenty of time for you to make these for Christmas or have your kids make them! You can sew them...
Crafted Little Ponies - Craft Diaries
Dear Diary, In my quest to make my sister’s 6th birthday absolutely awesome, I have created something that I feel will be really fun for her! Since she’s a crafter in-the-making, why not give her a little nudge in that direction? I have mastered the re-creation of six of[...]
Finger Puppet Patterns
Butterfly finger puppet
Finger Puppets Patterns & Instructions
Large collection of free finger puppet patterns. Animals, people and holiday.
ministerio infantil e juniores: Julho 2011
Stocking Stuffers for Little Girls...Etsy Style - The Cottage Market
insect finger puppets
insect finger puppets by ashleyw
This item is unavailable - Etsy
series of small animals, animals from the forest, fox, mouse, hedgehog, squirrel, rabbit, mole
Cute finger puppets. Thought I would share these with all of you crafty people out there!