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Celebrating the importance of the public realm in Shanghai's Yuqiao technology district
Nærheden, Suburb Of The Future
Nærheden, Suburb Of The Future « Landscape Architecture Works | Landezine
Galeria de The Goods Line Project: O novo centro urbano de Sydney - 13
The Goods Line Project: O novo centro urbano de Sydney,Courtesy of ASPECT Studio e Chrofi
Galeria de Menção Honrosa no 8º Concurso CBCA / Alexandre Engel, Lucas Sulzbach, Lucas Medeiros e Henrique Caumo - 12
Menção Honrosa no 8º Concurso CBCA / Alexandre Engel, Lucas Sulzbach, Lucas Medeiros e Henrique Caumo,Diagramas - Lugar. Image Cortesia de Alexandre Engel, Lucas Sulzbach, Lucas Medeiros e Henrique Caumo
Galería de Tercer Lugar en concurso público de anteproyecto del Carrera Bolívar / Medellín, Colombia - 10
Tercer Lugar en concurso público de anteproyecto del Carrera Bolívar / Medellín, Colombia,Existente/Propuesto: Prado. Image Courtesy of célula / María Paula Vallejo Arquitectura
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Mustafa Najmaldin This is a series of diagrams illustrating different aspects of the site around a Nurosmaniye project, including circulation of cars and pedestrians, connections, and public spaces. These are successful diagrams because they each take an aspect and break them down in similar ways, in that they all can be understood from the same size map, but illustrated in different, but clear ways.