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love a good used book☺️ (I know some of you are going to get mad at me fire highlighting and writing in my books but these were for history coursework don’t worry)
Spending Sunday afternoon with lots of iced coffee & all of my memories of New York— finally have some time to journal my adventures ✨ I hope you're all having a lovely Sunday! ♡
Flash Fiction Prompts - 100 Day Flash Fic Challenge
Writing flash fiction is a terribly satisfying way to spend an hour or two. For your fleet-fingered effusions, I’ve collated all my Twitter flash fiction prompts into a handy ebook. You will find two sizes of the ebook for download, both with ample room for notes. Download as an A4 PDF file: Flash Fiction Prompts Ebook Download as…
Há livros de que apenas é preciso provar, outros que têm de se devorar, outros, enfim, mas são poucos, que se tornam indispensáveis, por assim dizer, mastigar e digerir. - Francis Bacon
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I baked cheseecake for my dad's birthday tomorrow and I'm proud of myself lol Baking or cooking? I prefer cooking tho