
850 Pins
Sewing Buttons on to your Knitting by Megan Goodacre
Sewing Buttons on to your Knitting
How to Slip Slip Knit (SSK) More Neatly
Do your k2tog’s look neater than your ssk's? Depending on how you knit, this neater way to ssk may neaten up your decrease stitches — give it a try!
Increases - Techniques with Theresa - Knitty: Winter 2009
increase instructions (how to avoid holes : ()
200+ Free Knitting Patterns You'll Love Knitting | Interweave
Quick way to join new yarn in crochet
The quickest and easiest way to join new yarn in crochet or knitting. You have no yarn ends to weave in afterwards. Works in fine and medium weight yarns. Shown in detail how to continue when you run out of one ball of yarn. A great time-saving tip for crochet and knitting. #crochettutorial #knittingtips #joinyarn
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