
61 Pins
Lotus-Cheesecake-Dessert - Rezept
Das brauchst du für das leckere Dessert im Glas: 250g Mascarpone, 200g Frischkäse, Doppelrahmstufe, 200g Lotus Biscoff Kekse, 100g Schlagsahne, 80g Butter, 50g Puderzucker, 50g Lotus Biscoff Creme Für die Dekoration: 100g Lotus Biscoff Creme und 50g Lotus Biscoff Kekse
This may contain: a person holding a spoon in a jar filled with yogurt and raspberries
Healthy Breakfast Recipe For A Clean Diet
recipe to make two 1 cup oats 2 tbsp vanilla yogurt 1 cup milk raspberry jam 1 cup raspberries (i am using frozen) 3tbsp water squeeze of lemon juice 1tsp honey (optional) 3-4 tbsp Vanilla yogurt handful of fresh raspberries prepare the oats and leave them in the fridge over night. In a pot on medium heat add the raspberries and water, let it cook for 5min. Then add a squeeze of lemon juice + 1 tsp honey(optional) and let it cook until it thickens while stirring continuously. Assemble the oats, add 2tbsp oats, 1tbsp raspberry jam, 1tbsp Vanilla yogurt,1tsp jam,1tbsp oats, yogurt. Finish it off with some fresh raspberries. #Healthy #Breakfast #Recipes #WeightLoss #SelfCare #HealthyIdeas
This may contain: a white bowl filled with granola, yogurt and cranberry sauce
Granola Breakfast Bowl
Easy breakfast granola bowls Interested in healthy recipes for fat loss check out my ebook linked in post