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Clean lines, B with a splash of yellow - complements the surrounding landscape barefootstyling.com
gunn landscape architecture rooftop
cristina mazzacchelli architetto del paesaggio / terrazza selvaggio con disciplina, milano
Contemporary Gardens and Roof Terraces, Modern Landscaping in London by Amir Schlezinger
Seating like this but with herb beds behind seats and made of red brick or something more in keeping with the house
Terraced Landscape Planters - Contemporary - Deck - Chicago - by dSPACE Studio Ltd, AIA | Houzz
Modern lavender | General Roofing Systems Canada (GRS) | Roofing Calgary, Red Deer, Edmonton, Fort McMurray, Lloydminster, Saskatoon, Regina, Medicine Hat, Lethbridge, Canmore, Cranbrook, Kelowna, Vancouver, BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan www.grscanadainc.com 1.877.497.3528
Well-planted containers on a roof terrace giving the privacy and the feeling that you're in a proper garden - only some attractive garden furniture needed to complete the picture.
Architect Visit: East Village Rooftop Garden by Pulltab A+D - Remodelista
Architect Visit: East Village Rooftop Garden by Pulltab A+D : Remodelista