
40 Pins
Pygmy Goat Club of GB
Pygmy Goat ~ I had two of these once and they were a handful. Their names were Hansel and Gretel and I came home one day to see traffic backed up on my street. They had climbed the backyard fence and were playing in the middle of the road!
Raising show goats vs. commercial goats
We combine Bohemia + Yoga + Ayurveda www.TADASANAGOATS.com is the shop for the yogini with a gypsy heart <3
These two goats who want you to take a deep breath in and relax this holiday season.
The Terrible Truth About Adorable Baby Goats
Kids galore! And yeah, goats can be jerks. But that's what makes them so lovable...(said as a non-goat owner).
we're here! (you can get the party started...)
Sweet baby girl. Nigerian dwarf goats. She's struggled but is stronger.