18 Pins
Dream Weaver - Crystals & Crochet
Let your dreams be the light that guides you…. do what you love. That is the tag line on my website, and the ethos of my life. Our dreams show us how we want to live our life, who we want to be, they guide us to the places where we feel happiest and …
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Dianaj8's Sophies Pond
So, I am still not liking the acrylic too much. Wishing I had used cotton but would the cotton have had such vivid colors? Seriously, going to put a lining on Sophie’s underside. Thinking may...
Cosmic Cal Part 1 - Crystals & Crochet
♥ Welcome to Part 1 of the Cosmic Cal ♥ Woooo Hooooo here we go….. It has been great fun watching so many of you choosing your colours, and getting excited when that squishy mail arrived. I am both thrilled and honoured to be able to share this design with you all. Please read …
Charlotte's Sunshine Baby and Charlotte - Large Square [Free Crochet Pattern]
Charlotte's Sunshine Baby - Free Crochet Pattern
Jacaranda CAL pattern by Iman van der Kraan
Jacaranda CAL started 1 February 2018. Every week on the Thursday a part will be released. There are 11 parts.
Rosslyn - Crystals & Crochet
The Rosslyn blanket is a celebration of the Divine Feminine. The idea was conceived as I was travelling in New Zealand. I stayed on the outskirts of Dunedin, in a suburb called Rosslyn. Dunedin and the surrounding area echoes Scotland, from the place names, to the architecture and the landscape. I felt so completely …
Lillina Blanket Free Crochet Pattern
Cosmic Cal Sneaky Peek - Crystals & Crochet
A short and sweet sneaky peek. Well….. so many of you have been waiting so patiently to see my new cal, I truly appreciate your support and hope you all know how difficult it has been to sit on my hands and not show you this before. I am both thrilled and honoured …