
53 Pins
Gua Sha Tutorial for smile lines, double chin, 11 lines, forehead lines, crow’s feet, and puffy nose🫶 Used @guerlain watery youth oil & terahertz Gua Sha. (link in my Amazon storefront🩷) Repeat each movement 10 times🫡 #guasha #guashatutorial #smilelines #crowsfeet #frownlines #doublechin #puffyeyes #antiaging #facemassage
Gua Sha Tutorial
Gua Sha Tutorial for smile lines, double chin, 11 lines, forehead lines, crow’s feet, and puffy nose🫶 Used @guerlain watery youth oil & terahertz Gua Sha. (link in my Amazon storefront🩷) Repeat each movement 10 times🫡 #guasha #guashatutorial #smilelines #crowsfeet #frownlines #doublechin #puffyeyes #antiaging #facemassage
Free Download! Teachers, Parents - A Coping Statements Poster & Checklist For Classroom and Home Use