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Blog ogólnotematyczny
Jak szybko sprawdzić skąd pochodzi produkt? - Zwracaj uwagę na 3 pierwsze cyfry kodu kreskowego, aby szybko przekonać się z jakiego kraju pochodzi produkt.
Police codes infographic
I aint a police officer or dispatcher. But I am a transit dispatcher and I can say i recognize a few of these lol
zrób to sam/pomysły
zrób to sam/pomysły na
19 sposobów na to jak być mistrzem trollowania
19 sposobów na to jak być mistrzem trollowania –
Morse Code Alphabet – 3 Tricks for learning it quickly - Survivalized
Morse Code Alphabet Más
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Reading "Dante's Inferno" was a nightmare. This handy chart may be better than Cliff Notes!
Outrageous U.S. State Laws
Outrageous Laws Around the US.... Glad to see that Florida is onboard with not selling your kids, but I am a little concerned that Nebraska makes people with STDs automatically unmarry-able...
the english alphabet written in japanese - - Image Search Results
the english alphabet written in japanese - - Yahoo Image Search Results