
44 Pins
Breathing stardust
sincerelysansa: THE WEIRD & THE WONDERFUL | Starchildrenour wonder of the stars is bone-sunk; we’ve been thinking and dreaming and watching and watching and watching since the beginning of time, and we looked for so long that we started making connections. we played a celestial game of connect-the-dots; trying to find order in something so vast and trying to show that the stars are in everything and everything is in the stars. [x]
Te adoro mi hermoso Dios,tú eres lo más hermoso de mi vida
Pengobatan alat vital. Info. 087888501949. Peting untuk laki laki merawat dan menjaga kesehatan alat vital untuk keharmonisan dlm rumahtangga..
May 9th...(prompt...3 gifts found in the dark) *the gift of a starry night...oh the vastness that is portrayed on a starry night!! *the gift of sweet sleep...sweet and restful it restores, refreshes, and heals our bodies!! *movies as they light up the big dark screen....not many good ones out there but every now and then a good one comes along....have you seen Homerun??
NGC 660, Polar Ring Galaxy In Pisces Credit: Robert Gendler
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Antennae Galaxies 5x7 inch Astronomy by DeepSpacePhotography, $4.00