16 Pins
Como toda mãe, a nossa Santa Igreja cuida, zela e ensina seus filhos ...
St. JP II with the image of Jesus' Divine Mercy. The holy pope canonized St. Maria Faustina who was asked by Jesus to have this image painted and to spread the devotion to His Divine Mercy.
Blessed John Paul II – the Pope of Divine Mercy
The theme of Divine Mercy was undoubtedly one of the greatest spiritual legacies of Blessed John Paul’s life and pontificate. Already as Bishop Wojtyla of Krakow, he initiated the cause for the beatification of Sister Faustina, the Polish 20th century nun chosen by Our Lord as apostle and secretary of His merciful love.
St. Pope John Paul II loved Our Blessed Mother....and she loved him.
Mary embracing John Paul II - a successor of St. Peter the first Pope. "I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Matt 16:17-19
La GIOIA della VITA.
“L’errore e il male devono essere sempre condannati e combattuti; ma l’uomo che cade o che sbaglia deve essere compreso e amato”. San Giovanni Paolo II (Karol Wojtyła, 1920 - 2005)
Sermo Veritas
Just look at these to faces :) Blessed Pope John Paul II
Catholic Orthodoxy... - Catholic Orthodoxy by Father Corapi
John Paul II- his canonization is LIVE on EWTN right now (2:48 am Central). Turn it on!
Bogatym nie jest ten, kto posiada... - WielkieSłowa.pl
Bogatym nie jest ten, kto posiada... #Jan-Paweł-II, #Wojtyła-Karol, #Pieniądze-i-bogactwo
Napis na ścianę, naklejka - Papież Jan Paweł II - 78
Cytaty, sentencje, papież - Jan Paweł II - 78
Pope John Paul Ii Skiing | www.pixshark.com - Images Galleries With A Bite!
Pics For > Pope John Paul Ii Skiing