Dolphin, whale, manatee, seal

Fun Coffee Mugs l Cute Critter Mugs l Natural Life
Whale Folk Art Mug - This folk art mug will have you smiling every time you…
Whales - Celadon Mug - SPECIAL ORDER
Patricia Griffin...images can be a portion of the image, with color around them.
Humpback whales, héroes of the sea? | Earth | EarthSky
Humpback whales will, of course, protect their own young from killer whales. A mother humpback whale and newborn calf photographed off Baja California, Mexico, Oct 2009. When necessary, the mother will use her massive pectoral flippers to defend her small calf from attacking predators, especially killer whales. Photo: M. Lynn, NOAA, Southwest Fisheries Science Center.
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Fran and Bob Enjoyed the Show On the Otherside of the glass. Flippin’ adorable!
Grampus griseus: breach Rolo
Risso's dolphin (Grampus griseus) the only representative of the genus Grampus. It can reach a length from 2.5 to 4 m, and a weight of 600-700 kg.
The Whale And Dolphin People Project - Meet Some Of The Sea People
Chinese White Dolphin Mother And Baby #white dolphins #dolphins
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Irrawaddy Dolphin, found in Asia
Ravenwhimsy's Wonderful World
ronbeckdesigns: “ Commerson´s Dolphin,Punta Arenas,141213,Fernando Díaz by Fernando Díaz Segovia on Flickr ”