
182 Pins
The Coolest Laptop-cooling-stand - Yanko Design
路灯上的靓丽风景守护电路安全 - 广州工业产品设计有限公司-大业设计公司
路灯上的靓丽风景守护电路安全 - 大业设计集团|中国十佳工业设计公司
Product No Longer Available
Naturally Cooling Ceramic Wine Cooler - A+R Store
Space Creator - Seohee Lee
Space C is a VR projector drone that gives us a marvelous travel to fantasy world. #Projection #Projector #VR #360Projector #ProjectorDrone #Drone #VRProjector
Soft skills in a hard hat - Yanko Design
Designed to help unskilled workers acquire skill sets faster, and learn on the job, the eHat System is a hard hat with literally a guide inside it. Designed with a control panel to set up comms, a camera on the lip of the hat, and an audio system near the ears, the hat allows workers to communicate with their supervisors who guide them step by step as they do their job, allowing them to not just complete the task at hand, but actually learn.