
287 Pins
15 Most Beautiful and Best Castles To Visit in Germany (5 for sale) 🔥
Castles & Manor Houses — The Nossa Senhora da Graça Fort (Our Lady of...
Castel del Monte, Italy, World Heritage
Travel, Trip, Sightseeing, Stunning Views, Destination
Toyo Ito Wins 2013 Pritzker Prize
Serpentine Gallery Pavilion | Toyo Ito | Bustler
The top 10 buildings of the decade
Credit: ARUP Serpentine Pavilion, London, 2002 This lyrical pavilion, designed by architect Toyo Ito and engineer Cecil Balmond, was a suggestion of an architecture of the future, in which boundaries between walls, floor, ceiling, interior and exterior might dissolve. In a decade of bombast, here was profundity and simplicity