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...... by Светлана Беляева / 500px
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Top Self-Help Book | Best Motivational Book
"Real courage does not lie in squaring up to the outer world, but in confronting what you had previously refused to see in yourself. Only then will you see yourself as you really are and be profoundly shaken by it. Only then will you be able to clean up your act and make winning choices." Alain Forget
Les Temps Qui Changent by Katia Chausheva, Photography, Digital
☾ Midnight Dreams ☽ dreamy & dramatic black and white photography - Les Temps Changent Qui, photographie de Katia Chausheva
Self-Portrait - 33 Birth by Elena Oganesyan, art work
Self-Portrait - 33 Birth, photography by Elena Oganesyan. long exposure - my love :) . long exposure. In People, Portrait, Female. Self-Portrait - 33 Birth, photography by Elena Oganesyan. Image #397439
Fashion Photography – Ira Bordo
In the darkness of that vacant place. The place where breathing objects seemed planets away. We sat on a stone quite arbitrary. This stone surfaced the murky waters; it stained our shoes. The angry sky breathed gray damnation. Maybe he was smoking a nostalgic cigar. You and I were the only living mortals, warped in his chilling sensations. The mountains were like blue hound dogs, sniffing for blood, inhabited by ticks. Ravaging, the dam hid forbidden creatures.