Kill your darlings

Dane Dehaan and Daniel Radcliffe // So... my new crush is Dane... and my old crush [that's so fresh and ungh still..] is Dan... and both look so cute here I just wanna curl in a ball and cry
Daniel Radcliffe, glasses, Kill Your Darlings, post-its, knowledge, stubble, messy wavy hair
some new romantic looking for the tv sound
♀ beautiful spooky stupid ♀
We Heart It
Imagem de daniel radcliffe, dane dehaan, and kill your darlings
킬유어달링(데인 드한, 다니엘 래드클리프) 명대사/명장면 움짤 모음 ①
<Kill Your Darlings(킬유어달링)> 데인 드한, 다니엘 래드클리프 명대사/명장면 움짤 모음