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Absolut usually does solid fashion-riffing ads.
Absolut usually does solid fashion-riffing ads. | Recent Fashion Ads That Were Actually Good
Absolut Venice
Absolut Venice by Creative Criminals, via Flickr
El estilo que decanta la marca de vodka, Absolut, en su publicidad, es una gran #solucion para estar presente en la mente de los consumidores. La idea fue crear un conjunto de gráficas donde la mente de cada persona vea una botella de sus productos en una imagen donde no está perfectamente definida. Además, juega con las palabras para agregarle ciertos adjetivos a su slogan "Absolut ....."
The Best Of The Great Absolut Ads
Absolut Bangkok appealing to another country, and making great use of negative space, shape and culture to create the shape of the bottle.
30 Absolut Vodka Ads
ABSOLUT ADRENALINE. For adventurous skiers and Absolut vodka drinkers alike " Are you all white ? " You look as white as a ghost after skiing down that route ‼️
Worth1000 Joins the DesignCrowd Creative Community
Worth1000 Joins the DesignCrowd Creative Community
The Best Of The Great Absolut Ads
The Best Of The Great Absolut Ads
Absolut Rome
Absolut Rome by Creative Criminals, via Flickr
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NatGeo - Mundo Selvagem
NatGeo - Mundo Selvagem by Miagui Imagevertising, via Behance