DIY glass

13 Pins
Add to your bag of tricks: Glass Bottle Cutting- soak a piece of yarn in nail polish remover tie around bottle light with a lighter let burn all the way around for about 10-15 seconds then dip in bowl of cold water perfect split every time//
Breaking the Bottle {how to} - Picklee
How to cut a bottle without using any cutters. Love!
Self Watering Planter Made From Recycled Wine Bottle. Perfect for Indoor Fall Greenery. - Etsy
Self-watering planter made from recycled wine bottles!
Victoria Magazine
clear glass plate, mod podge, and a colorful map.
Rubber band candle holders | The Hyper House
DIY :: Use dollar glasses, rubber bands, and spray paint to make beautiful candle holders. I bet you some easy-peel painter's tape would be perfect for the reverse effect.
Vetro - Tecniche di taglio e lavorazioni
Come tagliare il vetro - Altri materiali - TECNICHE Fai da Te. Brico, Fai da te.