
13 Pins
Jak skutecznie przegonić pająki z domu?
Aby uniknąć wchodzenia pająków do naszego domu przygotuj miksturę z 1 litra wody, 10 kropel płynu do mycia naczyń i ...
DIY Garden: 5 Creative Ideas for Upcycled Water Features
Glass Table Top Turned into a garden water fountain. Get 5 more Creative Ideas for Upcycled Water Features
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DIY fish tower for your outdoor pond. Cute addition to a water feature in the garden or yard.
How to Build a Low-Maintenance Water Feature
Instructions to build a 'disappearing fountain' which is a fountain setup which requires very little attendance, can be created in two days, and creates beautiful sounds and views to any garden.
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The Most Convenient Way to Fill Your Rain Barrel
Soda Bottle Drip Feeder for Plants - Water Plants with a Soda Bottle
Bury a plastic bottle with small holes to water your plant's roots..brilliant in arid climates!
Soda Bottle Drip Feeder for Plants - Water Plants with a Soda Bottle
Bury a plastic bottle with small holes to water your plant's roots..brilliant in arid climates!