Ancient Time

467 Pins
Terracotta lekythos in the form of a flying Eros | Greek, Attic | Late Classical | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Трипольская культура или культура Кукутени
Кукутень-трипольская культура трипольская культура Cucuteni Trypillian culture Trypillian culture Trypillian Goddesses Aratta Alexey Samoylenko
3 figurines d'argile de la période tardive chypriote II (1450-1200 avant JC) - échantillon d'une riche collection d'antiquités chypriotes au Musée national
Terracotta Astarte female figure with large pierced ears and hands below her breasts, 1450-1200BC
Terracotta Astarte female figure with large pierced ears and hands below her breasts, 1450-1200BC | ANCIENT ARCHIVES
Terracotta statuette of woman with bird face | Cypriot | Late Cypriot II | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Terracotta statuette of woman with bird face | Cypriot | Late Cypriot II | The Metropolitan Museum of Art