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Infographic generated in real time from LIVE social media feed about #FIVBMensWCH #POLAND2014. Go and check it out:
Mecz otwarcia piłkarskich Mistrzostw Świata w social media w Polsce. Komu kibicowali Polacy? Komu kibicowały Polki, wśród których jest 34% kibiców!
What will the 2014 FIFA World Cup 2014 cost? Here's our #infographic with more stats, insights and numbers around the biggest event in #football around the world.
Isobar | Global Digital Experience Agency
Przepis na wzruszającą historię marki, czyli o tym, jak LG pomogło 10-letniej Emilce.
Spóźniona wiosna performance marketingu - INFOGRAFIKA. Polski rynek performance marketingu nie rozwija się tak dynamicznie, jak ten na Zachodzie. Wyniki badania przeprowadzonego na zlecenie iProspect wskazują, że marketerzy potrzebują edukacji, aby korzystać z reklamy efektywnościowej… efektywnie.
Mckinsey on Marketing, Tech and Sales -
Winning the consumer decision journey | Chief Marketing & Sales Officer Forum | McKinsey
Market Intelligence
No jobseeker is the same. See how Monster's research led to the reasoning behind our latest media campaign, targeting people during their 'consumer journey' each day.
But consumers have different expectations and preferences for customer service depending on where they are in the purchase journey and the types of questions they have. A 2012 global customer experience study sponsored by Capgemini found that social media was most important in the awareness stage (learning about products and promotions), while smartphones were most valuable in the delivery and after-sales care stages.
Internet Marketing Resource, SEO Resource
How Consumers Buy From offline and online ads to local directories and review sites, today’s consumer buying journey has added many new touch points between a consumer and your business. This infographic illustrates one of the many example paths that a consumer takes when deciding to buy from your business.
69% of tablet owners make a purchase on their device every month | Econsultancy
The role of connected devices in the consumer sales journey - infographic
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McKinsey - Social Media and the Consumer Decision Journey