
71 Pins
Medieval Doctor Cutting Open A Patients by Everett
Medieval doctor cutting open a patient's skull with a hammer and blade. Illustration from a 14th century French medical manuscript by Guy of Pavia.
Arzneibuch. Compendium of popular medicine and surgery, receipts, etc., circa 1675
Spätmittelalter am Oberrhein
Stuttgart, Württembergisches Landesmuseum Katalog "Spätmittelalter am Oberrhein" Nr. 443Hofämterspiel südwestdeutsch, um 1450 Papier, Holzschnitt, Aquarell- und Deckfarben, Blattsilber- und Blattgold-Auflagen Der Barbier im Begriff, einen Mann mit dem Rasiermesser zu rasieren.
A bathing woman in underwear. Bohemian, late 14th or early 15th century From Codices vindobonenses 2759-2764 in the Osterreichischen Nationalbibliothek, in Vienna, Austria
Deel II Sociaal gedrag en vrijetijdsbesteding, Prinsen en poorters - DBNL
Andalius de Nigro Januensis , Tractatus de sphaera .
Andalius de Nigro Januensis, Tractatus de sphaera. Date d'édition : 1325-1330 Type : manuscrit Langue : Latin
Did people in the Middle Ages take baths? -
About bathing in Medieval times. (Medievalists website has so much information)
Réunion des Musées Nationaux-Grand Palais
Hypsaeus sollicitant l'aide de Pompée Maître de l'Alexandre-Wauquelin (15e siècle) , enlu
Evrart de Conty, Livre des échecs amoureux moralisés ; Jacques Legrand, Archiloge Sophie
close up of hair from medieval artwork "Evrart de Conty , Le livre des échecs amoureux moralisés" by Jacobus Magnus (1360 ?-1425 ?)
Bohemian Bathhouse Keepers
Bohemian, late 14th or early 15th century. Codices vindobonensis 2759-2764, Osterreichischen Nationalbibliothek.
Bible krále Václava IV. část III. – Jan Adam Blažej Eusebius Czernozub Kopřanský, zvaný Kofboj – album na Rajčeti
Wenceslaus IV of Bohemia's Bible part III: 21/33 (14th c)