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Live From Seattle: Never Get A Chance To See Gail At A Bookstore? We Recorded This For You!
Picture memes LTUt1ljp6 by whothefuckareyoueven_2018: 399 comments - iFunny
Excessivelysesquipedalian my asshole cat once again comes to me and does his usual indications for "hey, there's a problem I need you to fix, please help." because I love him and he is weirdly smart and actually really good at figuring out problems and getting help (like when he lets me know the bird feeder is empty because he wants to watch the birds) I trustingly get up and follow him. he reaches the window, outside of which is a thunderstorm. he is very afraid of thunderstorms, and normally does not go anywhere near the windows when they happen. upon reaching the window he indicates in his usual fashion, "here is the problem, please fix it." no idea whether to be flattered and endeared that my cat thinks I control the weather, or frustrated because my cat is now mad at me for refusing to control the weather on his behalf. this is the second time this has happened. Source: excessivelysesquipedalian 9,098 notes - iFunny
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