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Keep your kids busy this spring break!
Keep your kids busy this spring break! Just did this craft with wide age range of kids. All LOVED it!! Ordered tiny drop bottles off Amazon, they worked great for the alcohol. Notice in the pictures that the marker is really solid in the corners, gives better results with lots of ink. Dries in about 10 minutes, then I sprayed with gloss sealer (outside). Do this Project!!! xo laura. For more fun ideas visit
Cursos Online de Artesanato em Vídeo - Acesso Imediato
Veja abaixo como é fácil fazer um mosaico fantástico usando CD’s e DVD’s velhos…
Most inspiring pictures and photos!
Stuffed animal / toy / stuffie / plush / plushie / whatever you want to call it - looks like Simon's Cat! - #fleece
Here is a way to transform your old tank top into a bodysuit. Bodysuits are extremely trendy! With this tutorial you will save a lot...
How to Make an Indoor Garden for Cats - Your Purrfect Kitty
How to Make Your Own DIY Indoor Cat Garden #UltimateLitter (ad) Keep your cats safe by eliminating plants and flowers that are toxic to them with plants that are safe if they decide to nibble on them. pets, cats, gardening, diy, safety
Yahoo News: Latest and Breaking News, Headlines, Live Updates, and More
Can't say I'm anywhere near *this* committed, but super effin' cool, nonetheless!
Fabric Cat Maze / Cat Bed for sale
This is what the walls in Cat Heaven must look like! Covered in fabric mazes, easy to climb and easy to cling to.
Don’t call it a cage. It’s a catio.
Don’t call it a cage. It’s a catio. - The Washington Post
Easy DIY Cat Cage Enclosure
I felt so bad for my indoor cats and finally decided to build them their own Easy DIY Cat Enclosure to keep them happy and safe in our city neighborhood.