Survival, EDC, itp.

Wszystko co związane z przetrwaniem ,EDC ,preperingiem ,od ciuchów do najdrobniejszych rzeczy za pomocą ,których można przeżyć.
215 Pins
3 Sections
Let's head out! Photo by @onder.sayan #iconicsurvival #trekking #hiking #wood #woodsman #outdoor #axe #modernoutdoorsman #camp #camping…
Casual Winter Getup | Men's Style Inspiration
A casual way to dress for the cold weather. A knit sweater and cashmere sweater are casual but colligate ivy league style. Dress it up a bit with one of our autumn neckties.
How to Treat a Sprained Ankle | REI Co-op
Sprained ankles are a particularly common injury among outdoor adventurers and they can happen with nearly any activity, including hiking, biking, skiing, snowshoeing, climbing or running. Given just how frequently sprained ankles can occur, knowing how to treat one is a valuable skill to have. #hikinglifehacks
Conocimientos y habilidades que te salvarán la vida si te pierdes en la naturaleza
Conocimientos y habilidades que te salvarán la vida si te pierdes en la naturaleza