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Meu filhote Jungkook... Tão lindo meu neném Mais
The luMINary (@The_luMINary95)
The luMINary (@The_luMINary95) | Twitter
BTS SG | this is gunna make me cry. AHH what is that first pic tbh ahaha he was cuter then. BUT HAHA STILL AMAZING NOW <3
Where stories live
SAVE ME BTS vem me resgatar pq eles são os causadores de todo o sofrimento bom q eles causam nas ARMY#iludida
dang, it looks like stars in his eyes
MY HEARTTUUU OH MAN HOLY SHIT! I can't even with Yoongi or Jimin!!!
Even more of BTS with '@star1' + Suga talks romantic relationships
Even more of BTS with '@star1' + Suga talks romantic relationships |
bigbang lockscreen | Tumblr
Eu quando escuto BTS é bem assim. Eu chego a esquecer do mundo a minha volta. Esses meninos são fantásticos.❤
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my beautiful lil babies feat. rap monster