
52 Pins
Dragonwing Begonias like partial to full shade, are so easy to care for (just don't let them sit in super wet soil), and they bloom profusely all Summer long! Love them.
Shrub-like Begonias
Begonia metallicacane type begonias - Additional Common Names: Scientific Name: Begonia metallica Family: Begoniaceae Toxicity: Non-Toxic to Dogs, Non-Toxic to Cats
New Flowers, Seeds and Plants - Petunias, Calibrachoa, Marigolds - Burpee
Begonia, Whopper Red Bronze Leaf, Tony Richards porch - Дошка оголошень в Україні
Бегония"Глуар де Лоррен" |
Клуб любителей комнатных растений • Просмотр темы - Цветки бегоний / фото
Begonia сorallina 'Lucerna'