Reading Assessments

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Ambitious Growth Rates and RTI Goals - How do I use ambitious growth rates to set RTI goals? Read all about it!
FREE Phonics Assessment for K-3rd grades
FREE Phonics Assessment for K-3 ~ a quick way to see what phonics skills your child/student needs to learn | This Reading Mama
How to Group Students for Small Group Reading Groups
Grouping students for reading instruction can be challenging. Here are some tips on how to effectively group students using assessment data.
FREEBIE! Fountas & Pinnell Parent Letters { Reading Level and Explanation}
It is so important to keep parents in the loop, especially regarding their child's reading progress. This product includes letters to send home to parents after testing reading levels. Each letter explains how reading levels are tested, where their child tested, and the expectations for that point in the year.
Reading Skills for Intervention FREE - Science of Reading Aligned
Diagnostic and formative. What steps students should progress through. They aren't necessarily linear.
Scholastic Teaching Tools | Resources for Teachers
A TON of ideas on how to organize and assess guided reading.
Scholastic Teaching Tools | Resources for Teachers
Yet another awesome set of resources from Beth Newingham, the teacher that does it all! This one is for assessing guided reading.
Helpful chart for those that are interested in Lexiling their libraries!!! chart to hang up in your library! I train my students to look up the book's Lexile Level on the classroom IPAD!
Establishing a differentiated, responsive classroom
Graphic that explains the different types of classroom assessments. Inspired by the book Mindsets in the Classroom by Mary Cay Ricci---Crockett's Classrroom