make up

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How to Avoid 6 Summer Fitness Injuries
Injury Prevention: Avoid These Summer Injuries | Women's Health Magazine
Тренды макияжа: что актуально в 2017 году? ✅ Второй beauty-тренд этого года – широкие густые брови. Если раньше мы оформляли изогнутую четкую линию, то теперь в моде широкие полукруглые брови. В макияже бровей старайтесь делать их как можно более натуральными, добавляйте объём штрихами, зачесывайте волоски вверх и никакой графичности! Средства для оформления бровей ищите в коллекциях Maybelline, PUPA, Givenchy и других брендов в #ЛЭтуаль.
This week's eye tutorial is a smokey cat eye! I'll post a full face picture later. Thanks to @kjellholmes for requesting an eye with the @urbandecaycosmetics Naked 2 palette. Remember that if you're feeling uninspired with a certain palette, you can always ask me to take a crack at it. And if you post a recreation, tag me. I love seeing them! 1. Blend Tease to the outer half of the crease and blend out, following the shape of the crease. 2. With an angled brush, apply Blackout along the upper la
Eye Shadow Combinations for a Beautiful Look - AllDayChic
Eye Shadow Combinations for a Beautiful Look
14 Truques de beleza que facilitam nossas vidas na hora de se arrumar em casa
Tem dificuldade para passar o batom no espaço certinho da boca? Fazer um X com um lápis labial para acertar o contorno é uma ótima alternativa para você que sofre com a precisão - 14 Truques de beleza para a hora de se arrumar em casa
15 Tips And Tricks On How To Make Your Eyes Look Bigger And Brighter -
I am a very petite person, but I was born with big eyes. When I was a baby, my huge eyes practically took up my whole tiny face, but in an oddly nice way. I eventually grew into them more, but my eyes have always been on the larger side. It’s something my brother and … Read More