Ogród, plac zabaw

Når foråret kommer begynder børnene at tage frakker og trøjer af op ad dagen, i takt med at solen får kraft og giver mere varme. Og så ligger alt tøjet dér i en bunke (eller spredt rundt på hele le…
The intersection of art and finger knitting - KT's Slow Closet
OMG I love these! Maybe not the "tent" itself but hanging strings like that I could use as decoration somehow!
28+ Creative DIY Mosaic Garden Projects - aoneperfume
Creating Our Barefoot Sensory Path and the Importance of Outdoor Play
Inquiring Minds: Mrs. Myers' Kindergarten: Creating Our Barefoot Sensory Path and the Importance of Outdoor Play
Backyard Playground Equipment - Foter
An ingenious though simple outdoor play equipment for
DIY Water Wall - TinkerLab
Good idea for sensory garden?
This spill-proof watering can will encourage your kids to help in the garden.
This spill-proof watering can will encourage your kids to help in the garden. | 75 Insanely Clever DIYs Every Parent Will Wish They Knew About Sooner