642 Pins
Easter bunny topiary from @athomewiththehamiltons 🥹 #easterbunny #easterdecor #bunnydecor #topiary #bunnytopiary
💬 Comment “BLOG” for a link to my latest Blog Post!…. Then check your DMs ☺️ 💛Over at you’ll find Supply List for this beautiful & simple Fabric Bow! 🐝I hope you’ll be inspired to try to make one for yourself! #bowmaking #bowtutorial #fabriccraft #springcrafts #summercrafts #doordecor #vintagestyle
This may contain: someone is using a white paint brush to embellish the fabric
Растительный барельеф на холсте
Картины на заказ : WhatsApp 89053604379 Обучение : WhatsApp 8171840814 #ботаническийбарельеф #барельеф #интерьерныекартины #текстурнаяпаста #рельефнаяживопись #скульптурнаяживопись
This may contain: a man holding up a large piece of glass in his hands and smiling at the camera
DFA Work 🔝#трафарети #ремонтсвоїмируками #ідея #картина #хужодник #малярніроботи #шпаклівка #київ
This may contain: a woman is painting a wall with white paint on the easel and holding a brush in her hand
Стена без обоев
Difficulty: Medium Материалы • штукатурка • краски • трафареты • воски
This may contain: the paper flowers are being made on the cutting board