
11 Pins
A handbook of ornament : Meyer, Franz Sales, 1849- : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
// "A Handbook of Ornament" 1898 by Franz Sales Meyer --Geometric shapes inspired our Sympathia Collection @
A handbook of ornament; : Meyer, Franz Sales, 1849- : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
1898 - From, "A Handbook of Ornament". by Franz Sales Meyer.
Probably Napping
I don't know where I want this, but I want it lol! So much sparrrrklleeee - Domain Name For Sale |
chainsaw sculpturs | ... carving dennis has been active in competitive chainsaw carving
Penny Floor
Penny Floor - don't know if I would have the patience for a whole floor... but a coffee or patio table would be nice!