
186 Pins
Stitching Sanity — Laura Katherine McMillan | embroidered ‘Cell...
Stitching Sanity — Laura Katherine McMillan | embroidered ‘Cell...
Doctors of the World: Make a child cry • Ads of the World™ | Part of The Clio Network
Médecins du monde - #jetudielacom
PRINT: Eine Chance für krebskranke Kinder - KlonBlog
This short video by the CDC shows that millions of today's children will ultimately die early from smoking if we don't do more to reduce current smoking rates.
Flash Photo Posters | Wunderman | Childhood Eye Cancer Trust (CHECT) | D&AD Awards 2015 Pencil Winner | Service Innovations
Flash Photo Posters | Advertising Poster Design for Health & Wellness Inspiration | Award-winning creative social good campaigns | Childhood eye cancer symptom awareness | D&AD Impact
PCM - Pure Creative Management - London Issue 361 Showcase Sep 2012 magazine
I like this psa because it hits home for me as a child of second-hand smoke who now suffers from asthma. Very clever use of making the hand that is choking the child made of smoke.
Children's Healthcare of Atlanta - Pediatric Difference - Jeremy Estroff
Children's Healthcare of Atlanta - Pediatric Difference by Jeremy Estroff, via Behance