
17 Pins
Are Waist Trainers Bad for you? – Blogilates
This is the 30 Day Waist Trainer Challenge. Forget wearing those silly waist trainers (which are basically modern day corsets) - this will help you tighten the muscle fibers of your own NATURAL CORSET! Your core! So easy to start, but gets harder as you go. Print this out now!
30 Day Thigh Slimming Challenge! – Blogilates
doing it! @blogilates #blogilates #theyearoffollowthrough
30 Day Butt Lift Challenge! – Blogilates
30 Day Butt Lift Challenge - Bunny and Lin, are you in? It will help get my mind off the stressful things!
Healthy Living on
It says this is for a thigh gap... i dont want a gap, i dont really like them. I do want hella sexy inner thighs though :)
Quick and Effective Leg Workouts At Home
Combine this five minute routine three days a week with 2 cardio days a week and clean eating, and you’ll be ready for lean jeans and short shorts in no time!
18 Best Leg Exercises for Women: Transform Your Legs with These Moves
10 Leg Exercises for Sleeker and Slimmer Thighs. Lose your thigh fat and get bikini worthy legs in 4 weeks or less. #losethighfat #legexercises #bikinibody
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5 Glute Workouts to Work Your Derrieres: It only takes a set of simple butt moves to create your perfect backside. Squat, Lunge, Glute Bridge, and more.