
68 Pins
YES. You can not have a successful marriage if you are unequally yoked. Having the same beliefs, same goals, and walking on the same path- TOGETHER is essential to a happy and successful marriage.
No time together? Take the 10 minute DAILY connect for busy couples challenge! - Marriage Laboratory
Take the daily 10 minute connect challenge for busy couples! Each night this week, take 10 minutes to connect and talk to each other distraction free! Click through for more details!
I love you Humberto with all my heart!! Always yours and forever be mine!!! Te amo pendejo!!
25 Premarital Counseling Questions Every Couple Must Discuss Before Marriage
Premarital Counseling Questions - Discover the 25 questions every engaged couple must discuss before getting married.
How to Make Your Relationship Last
Everyone wants their relationship to last! You're in love, and you are in it for the long haul. So this is the relationship advice you need to make sure your dating turns into an engagement, and then into marriage.
7 facts about relationships everybody should know before getting married
7 relationship facts you should know before getting married
Why Arguing in Relationships Isn't All That Bad
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100+ marriage tips
Marriage tip: Talk to you spouse more sweetly and respectfully than you would talk to anyone else. #Marriage #marriagetip
Time-Warp Wife - Keeping Christ at the Center of Marriage
6 Marriage Tips