Dream House

406 Pins
Membrana de polietileno de alta densidad para cubiertas de zinc
Constructive detail of a hidden gutter. Consists of three components: the VMZinc zinc tray; the high density polyethylene membrane Delta VMZinc and the fixing anchors.
Ultramodern, Sleek House With Sharp Lines
Even the most stylish of homes needs storage options. The sofa table that runs along the back of the section sofa is a place to set drinks and store books, making sure that "behind the couch" area isn't wasted.
MyHouseIdea - Architecture, homes inspirations and more.
Bellissimo Loft dove il contrasto tra legno e metallo crea una particolarissima atmofera.
Luxury Prefabricated Modern Home
Luxury Prefabricated Modern Home | iDesignArch | Interior Design, Architecture & Interior Decorating
Restaurante Rio Bistrô e Lounge - Brasília DF - Brasil. Projeto Rosset e Rozsanyi Arquitetura - escada de acesso ao mezanino.
Stone Wall
PANES OF GLASS STAIRCASE NEWELS -- See my New Home Design Checklist at www.etsy.com/shop/Oliverink for more ideas
The Glass Pavilion, an ultramodern house by Steve Hermann
#Architecture / The Glass Pavilion by Steve Hermann - Gorgeous how the loadbearing walls are used in this residential house, allowing the house to be completely open.
Plan 24362TW: 3 (or 4) Bed Beauty with Fun-Filled Lower Level
Built-ins at the stair landing in 4 Bed House Plan 24362TW ~2,800 sq. ft. with walkout basement Architectural Designs, #readywhenyouare
Mit ausgezeichneten bauphysikalischen Eigenschaften hinsichtlich Statik, Dämmung und Brandschutz. Mit einem ausgewogenen, gesundheitsfördernden Raumklima. Und nicht zuletzt mit ökologisch wertvollen Eigenschaften, wie CO2-Neutralität und 100%iger Biorecyclingfähigkeit. Alle ökologischen Vorteile