
42 Pins
Principais tipos de dor de cabeça: sintomas, causas e tratamento
Existem diferentes tipos de dor de cabeça que podem ocorrer por diversas causas e em diferentes regiões da cabeça. Alguns tipos de dor de cabeça podem ainda fazer-se acompanhar por outros sintomas, dependendo da causa que está na sua origem.
Cell and Flare
Cell and Flare (uevitis/iritis HLA B27 syndrome) opthalmologist sees cells 11/5/14
Cell and Flare
What inflammatory cell looks like in the eye.
Laser refractive eye surgery
Diagram depicting emmetropic (normal), myopic, and hypertropic eyes. In myopia, light focuses in front of the retina, usually because of a long axial length, a steep corneal curvature, or a combination of the two. In hypermetropia, the converse is true—light focuses behind the retina, usually because of a short axial length, a flat corneal curvature, or a combination of both
Abuse Notice
What are common causes of eye injury and recommended treatments? Find out in this JAMA Patient Page.
How To Read Your Eyeglass Prescription
How to read yr Eyeglass prescription of the eye
Fuchs' Corneal Dystrophy: 7 Things You Should Know
Fuchs' corneal dystrophy is a disorder of the front surface of the eye. Find out if you're at risk.