
26 Pins
make a mini memo book cover
Diario decorado, agenda o libro de apuntes. Plantilla imprimible - Free Printable Template For A Handmade/Decorated Journal, Dayplanner or Memo Book.
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Looking for different paper weaving patterns. The Origami Resource Center offers some very cool projects!
handmade journal
altered book. This looks like the book we'll be making in my How to Grow Wings class at Art & Soul next month.
Celebrating Andy Skinner as a Guest Artist.
A Vintage Journey: Celebrating Andy Skinner as a Guest Artist.
Book-binding: makes me miss suturing
eula sleeps: Book-binding: makes me miss suturing
31 Ideias de Material Escolar Personalizado para Volta às Aulas - Revista Artesanato
31 Ideias de Artesanato Simples e Incríveis para Volta às Aulas | Revista Artesanato
Sculpting an Alien Monster Sketchbook Cover from Polymer Clay with a Glow in the Dark Eye
Sculpting an Alien Monster Sketchbook Cover from Polymer Clay with a Glow in the Dark Eye - YouTube
A Fabric junk journal
Art Journaling. A Fabric junk journal. Great way to use up all kinds of paper and fabric scraps. #artjournal #junkjournal #scraps