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Permaculture and Food Forest Gardens- Native Plant Talk Series
Permaculture -- I need to sit down and read this article. And I love the drawing. I wish *my* backyard looked like that!
Examples of Inspiring Garden Plans
Potager garden layouts, produced with the Garden Planner from the gardens need not be regularly shaped, small seating areas and a wild life pond make this a very fluid and relaxed space and one that is great for wildlife...
Garden Plan - 2014: Christmas Potager
A Potager design using the frost tolerant filter setting on the garden planner from It is surprising what a range of perennial fruit and herbs are frost tolerant and how much even a small space, just 32 feet square can produce. This design shows cranberries, loganberries, josta berries, it also shows two fanned plums and a cherry, an extremely attractive way to add fruit which would survive the winter.
Step By Step Your Garden Grows: Five-Year Kitchen Garden Design Plan - Mother Earth Living
Step By Step Your Garden Grows: Five-Year Kitchen Garden Design Plan
RC JOURNAL: Reclaiming Dead Soil through Hugelkultur
Reclaiming Dead Soil - AWESOME!
101 fascinating permaculture techniques from throughout the world & throughout the ages